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Writer's pictureGayathri Geetha

Weekly Recap : Twitter learnings, Books am reading and more..

It's been 7 days since I started the february blogging challenge and I wanted to recap what I learnt and loved this week.

Blogging Everyday: This has been really fun to do! I look forward to ending each day writing about whatever topic it is that's top of mind. I've also taken to posting this on twitter - more on why and how that's working out below.

Fun insight: My most viewed posts this week have been my mindset series ex Mindset Series: Handling the "you are too nice" comment. (a whopping 18 views :P) .

Twitter update: Watched a killer video by Ali Abdaal and David Perell on how they got started with YouTube and Blogging respectively. I've been following them for years now and they had such good tips in the video ( Takeaway 1: Your first 50 videos / blogs are meant to be rubbish and get you in the habit of execution. Your next 50 video/blogs are about quality control. Takeaway 2: Twitter is great place to get more eyeballs , build a community of like minded folks and look for ideas). So I decided to start posting on twitter - Everytime I authored a blog , I posted it on twitter with a snapshot . So did this work ? :) Yes.

* I started getting views on my blogs instantly & averaged about 30-50 impressions on each tweet. That was awesome!

* I started following other people who interested me and who were producing some amazing content. Looked at who they were following and found a bunch more great folks! Man! Twitter seriously has some amazing idea sharing and content . Also, a few people actually followed me back which was pretty thrilling.

Favorite twitter finds this week

  • Arvid Kahl - loved the fact that he shared what he's doing in public - courses he built , where he published them, what the stats are etc #buildinginpublic ! This post of sharing my weekly learnings is inspired by him :)

  • Aadit Sheth Lots of great insights about building a twitter audience. He apparently grew that from 100 -> 3.5K in 7 months. Pretty impressive.

  • Product Hunt has the most hilarious Q&A twitter threads and off the chart engagement . This one about Scare a designer in 5 words or less was pure humor gold

Other Random musings:

* Watched the 1st three episodes of Gilded Age on HBO Max and IT.WAS.EPIC.

It's a period drama from the creators of Downton Abbey and focuses on new money vs old money and racial injustice (A colored writer looking to get ahead) prevalent in that time. Won't add any spoilers here .. but watch it , please !!!

* Been reading Big Money Energy by Ryan Serhant (the Million dollar listing guy). Book is chock full of anecdotes from his real estate days and his writing style is casual and engaging. He speaks about bringing energy (Big Money Energy) to whatever you are doing .. reminds me a lot of what Amy Cuddy said in her talk of power poses . Note to self: Do a book review on this and effortless later :)

* What am going to read next: Listen to Arvid Kahl's Find your following course on skillshare . Also, a colleague recommended a few books on writing that am adding to my list for this month!

That's it for today's post ! Hope your week is off to a smashing start. What were your top highlights this week?

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